Ewan McFarland-Walton, Limbs of Evolution, ceramic with glass, $2000
Ewan McFarland-Walton
Pacific Grove High School
My name is Ewan McFarland-Walton and I am a senior enrolled in the AP Studio & Design class at the Pacific Grove High School. Art is a family passion for me and my relatives, multiple of my close family and predecessors have worked in ceramics and painting for many generations. My short-term goals are to understand the shape and anatomy of my subjects, to mold ever closer mirrors to reality, with my own touch added as a unique aspect. My art reflects how I see the world and my ideologies on life and change.
Over the years, I have experimented with many different mediums and materials to explore the realm of possibilities for my artistic focus. Ceramics has by far captured my interest more than any other art form so far. Dimensions and anatomy are a fascinating subject to study, and I strive to not only recreate the forms of models as closely as possible, but I mold them to further their evolution in my artistic vision. My message is that of everlasting changes, the evolution of life and everything in our perception has always been changing and will continue to change, whether we dislike it or not.
This particular piece, Limbs of Evolution, emphasizes my idea of the interconnectedness between the human form and all others. People try to separate other life from themselves, placing humans on a pedestal above the rest. I used two main sculpture pieces to express the main idea on evolution, and using sea glass of varying colors, I created the ‘divide’ of the human mind and all other life on earth. I did not want to crowd the board with too many sculptures to avoid a conflict of thought and blur the focus of this piece.