Gisell Rubio, The Branch of Love, acrylic and paper mache, $45
Gisell Rubio
North Salinas High School
Through my artistry, I tend to involve my feelings and what’s around me. From an early age, I have been copying art as a start, just like any other kid. I would try drawing things from my own imagination from time to time but nothing came to mind. I decided to try a different art technique and choose dimensional art. This would be my first time sculpting something and creating art of my own. I’d say this is more fun for me as I get more creative this way.
For inspiration, I had my boyfriend’s interest and mine combined in this artwork. Due to his love for roses, I got the idea to add it to the skull and use the board for the vines. Along the way I realized that our favorite colors combined, his is red and mine is green. I also did not want to add a lot of colors but to keep it simple and yet show its beauty.
The title for this art piece goes along with the sentimental feeling of a relationship. A sugar skull is supposed to remind you of a loved one, with every detail, it’s a memory from them and an attraction to their interests. This can also represent closure to someone or show a bond within people.