Zylee Diaz, Nature’s Beauty, oil, acrylic, watercolor, clay, paper, thread, cardboard, wood stain, and burnt wood engravings, $350

Zylee Diaz

North Monterey County High School


My name is Zylee Diaz and I am a seventeen year old artist from North Monterey County. When I was presented with the opportunity to participate in this exhibition, I knew instantly that I wanted to create a mixed media piece. When I started this project, I had no idea what the final outcome would look like, I just knew that I wanted to combine an array of mediums to express my love of art. I did minimal planning, as I wanted to spontaneously and freely create, leaving room for deep exploration. To start, I chose to flip the canvas and use the backside for my featured content, admiring the shadowbox feel it presented.

My materials were sourced from random treasures and broken objects that I have found and collected over the last few years: including parts from a classic car, thrifted vintage buttons, pressed flowers, a chain from a broken necklace, ripped nylons, crystals, deceased bugs, and varied metal pieces. Interwoven amidst my treasure trove, were segments of watercolor, oil paint, graphics and mini ceramic sculptures. Combining a variety of art elements and materials was very innovative for me because it allowed for a new avenue of expression.

I designed the watercolor painting of the women in the mirror to have characteristics that reflect my own. This image is meant to display the feeling of dissociation with oneself, while simultaneously channeling a state of consciousness. It’s a sad reality that many people suffer from feelings of insecurity and battle poor self esteem — becoming blind to their own idiosyncrasies, significance, and beauty. I tried to capture the beauty and value in all things. I recycled things that would have been thrown in the trash to make something enchanting, unique, and bold.


Zoe Kaiser