The Moon is Beautiful, Isn't It? acrylic, ink
Maria Fernanda Edeza
Everett Alvarez High School | Senior
I am 17 years old and a senior at Everett Alvarez High School. I love creating my own pieces of art; and I aspire to make myself as transparent as possible through my art, so my personality and passion shine through.
It is important to know that there is no specific way to start painting. Oftentimes, something might just catch my eye and would then be my inspiration on the creation of my art. For me, inspiration can come in the form of a random face in a crowd or a striking view of deja vu.
I mainly make art for fun as a distraction from reality. I do not have a schedule for when to do art. Most of the time I just get an urge of wanting to do something but I do not know what; that is when I know that I should paint or draw. The media I used to create this art piece were markers and acrylic paint. I also printed two birds and pasted them along the panel. The name of my final art piece is, The Moon is Beautiful, Isn’t It? I loved creating this art piece because it involved a lot of different color values. I enjoyed sketching this project out before painting it along the panel. I would also like to show others how amazing it is to be able to express oneself in a unique way other than speaking, like the way I love painting - because I can express myself. I enjoyed creating this art piece because I was able to display something that is out of my comfort zone. It was interesting having a marker on top of the paint, making my work mixed media. Thank you for taking your time to read my artist statement.