Marlenne Melgoza-Gomez
North Monterey County High School | Junior
I am the woman in the fields of nopales my grandfather planted. My grandfather’s passing drastically affected me. However, through this loss I learned about my cultural heritage and belief in the afterlife. Our loved ones are reborn into other forms of life and remain with us, spiritually. We believe a butterfly around our home is his way of communicating. His spiritual visits remind us of our roots and that he continues to live. The fields of nopales, is a reminder of his love. Understanding my culture gives me strength and helps me heal. “La Cultura Cura.”
I hope sharing my culture will provide emotional support if you lost a loved one during this pandemic. Look for signs your loved ones send — they are there, look closer. They are gone physically; spiritually they live on. Remember the love they gave you and let your heart be filled with warmth like mine.